Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year's Revolution

So, here's the list.

  • Work out more. You never know when my chance to become a professional wrestler may sneak up on me. I know that, right now, I'm not ready for it.
  • Make a movie/TV show/podcast/something. I say this every year, and every year I fail. I don't care if I wind up slaving over my Mac for Christmas break next year, it's getting done.
  • Stop eating gelatin. It's from animals, and the fact that I continually let it slide means I fail as a vegetarian.

And... here's the big one.

  • I'm not dating anyone seriously in 2008. I stared at the screen for about fifteen minutes before typing that, but I think I'm going with it. I've spent far too much time these past few years (read... more than eight) thinking about dating and the like... and I'm just done with it. By this time next year I'll be trying to figure out where I'm headed with my life, and I want that to be a decision I make on my own. Dinner and a movie? Maybe. I'm just not looking to get attached.

Keep in mind chances are good I'll fail at all of these, but I'm not planning on it.