Tuesday, December 11, 2007


So, I know I don't cuss a lot on here, and I really don't cuss too much in real life, comparatively, but I was conned into writing something earlier today, and yes, it cusses a lot, but I wanted to throw it out there and see what happens.

The prompt for this, btdub, is... What is the answer to life?

Say f*** often.

Not so often you get sick of saying it, but often enough that you never forget what it was like the first time, when you knew you were doing something you shouldn't and the words flowed off your tongue and it just felt so....


or bad.

or whatever.

but it felt.

and no matter how old you were, the first time you said that was a step outside of your comfort zone.

and you survived.

your tongue didn't fall off, your friends didn't hate you, and chances are good you're not even going to hell.

Say f*** often, and remember when you say it that, regardless of how many times you hear it one the radio or see it in a movie, just by saying it you are transgressing the system...

you rebel.

Scream it if you have to, and then spend as much of your life as you can chasing that feeling of rebellion. Jump in a car and drive with no destination, procrastinate when you should be doing something else, read a book you think you shouldn't.

but don't. get. reckless. Find someone who makes you feel like opening every window in the house and yelling F*** at the top of your lungs becuase they're just too amazing for this not to be transgressing some kind of rule, because they're the kind of person who, with bedhead and sleep in their eyes, still somehow manages to shut off almost all of your brain, makes you forget your job, or whatever work you have to do and just leaves you,


to yell f***.

Find that person, and hold onto them for as long as they let you.

So.... yeah. I'm really unsure about that, and will probably take it down later, but for now, it's up.
